Smart Contracts
Contract Data Storage

Solidity Smart Contract


See below the code for ContractDataStorage (opens in a new tab) that makes it all happen.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
 * Explaining the `init` variable within saveData:
 * 61_00_00 -- PUSH2 (size)
 * 60_00 -- PUSH1 (code position)
 * 60_00 -- PUSH1 (mem position)
 * 61_00_00 PUSH2 (size)
 * 60_00 PUSH1 (mem position)
 * f3 RETURN
contract ContractDataStorage is Ownable {
  struct ContractData {
    address rawContract;
    uint128 size;
    uint128 offset;
  struct ContractDataPages {
    uint256 maxPageNumber;
    bool exists;
    mapping (uint256 => ContractData) pages;
  mapping (string => ContractDataPages) internal _contractDataPages;
  mapping (address => bool) internal _controllers;
  constructor() {
    updateController(_msgSender(), true);
   * Access Control
  function updateController(address _controller, bool _status) public onlyOwner {
    _controllers[_controller] = _status;
  modifier onlyController() {
    require(_controllers[_msgSender()], "ContractDataStorage: caller is not a controller");
   * Storage & Revocation
  function saveData(
    string memory _key,
    uint128 _pageNumber,
    bytes memory _b
    require(_b.length < 24576, "SvgStorage: Exceeded 24,576 bytes max contract size");
    // Create the header for the contract data
    bytes memory init = hex"610000_600e_6000_39_610000_6000_f3";
    bytes1 size1 = bytes1(uint8(_b.length));
    bytes1 size2 = bytes1(uint8(_b.length >> 8));
    init[2] = size1;
    init[1] = size2;
    init[10] = size1;
    init[9] = size2;
    // Prepare the code for storage in a contract
    bytes memory code = abi.encodePacked(init, _b);
    // Create the contract
    address dataContract;
    assembly {
      dataContract := create(0, add(code, 32), mload(code))
      if eq(dataContract, 0) {
        returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize())
        revert(0, returndatasize())
    // Store the record of the contract
  function saveDataForDeployedContract(
    string memory _key,
    uint256 _pageNumber,
    address dataContract,
    uint128 _size,
    uint128 _offset
    // Pull the current data for the contractData
    ContractDataPages storage _cdPages = _contractDataPages[_key];
    // Store the maximum page
    if (_cdPages.maxPageNumber < _pageNumber) {
      _cdPages.maxPageNumber = _pageNumber;
    // Keep track of the existance of this key
    _cdPages.exists = true;
    // Add the page to the location needed
    _cdPages.pages[_pageNumber] = ContractData(
  function revokeContractData(
    string memory _key
    delete _contractDataPages[_key];
  function getSizeOfPages(
    string memory _key
    returns (uint256)
    // For all data within the contract data pages, iterate over and compile them
    ContractDataPages storage _cdPages = _contractDataPages[_key];
    // Determine the total size
    uint256 totalSize;
    for (uint256 idx; idx <= _cdPages.maxPageNumber; idx++) {
      totalSize += _cdPages.pages[idx].size;
    return totalSize;
  function getData(
    string memory _key
    returns (bytes memory)
    // Get the total size
    uint256 totalSize = getSizeOfPages(_key);
    // Create a region large enough for all of the data
    bytes memory _totalData = new bytes(totalSize);
    // Retrieve the pages
    ContractDataPages storage _cdPages = _contractDataPages[_key];
    // For each page, pull and compile
    uint256 currentPointer = 32;
    for (uint256 idx; idx <= _cdPages.maxPageNumber; idx++) {
      ContractData storage dataPage = _cdPages.pages[idx];
      address dataContract = dataPage.rawContract;
      uint256 size = uint256(dataPage.size);
      uint256 offset = uint256(dataPage.offset);
      // Copy directly to total data
      assembly {
        extcodecopy(dataContract, add(_totalData, currentPointer), offset, size)
      // Update the current pointer
      currentPointer += size;
    return _totalData;
  function getDataForAll(string[] memory _keys)
    returns (bytes memory)
    // Get the total size of all of the keys
    uint256 totalSize;
    for (uint256 idx; idx < _keys.length; idx++) {
      totalSize += getSizeOfPages(_keys[idx]);
    // Create a region large enough for all of the data
    bytes memory _totalData = new bytes(totalSize);
    // For each key, pull down all data
    uint256 currentPointer = 32;
    for (uint256 idx; idx < _keys.length; idx++) {
      // Retrieve the set of pages
      ContractDataPages storage _cdPages = _contractDataPages[_keys[idx]];
      // For each page, pull and compile
      for (uint256 innerIdx; innerIdx <= _cdPages.maxPageNumber; innerIdx++) {
        ContractData storage dataPage = _cdPages.pages[innerIdx];
        address dataContract = dataPage.rawContract;
        uint256 size = uint256(dataPage.size);
        uint256 offset = uint256(dataPage.offset);
        // Copy directly to total data
        assembly {
          extcodecopy(dataContract, add(_totalData, currentPointer), offset, size)
        // Update the current pointer
        currentPointer += size;
    return _totalData;
  function hasKey(string memory _key)
    returns (bool)
    return _contractDataPages[_key].exists;